Who Won Survivor 47?

Warning: Survivor spoilers ahead. Survivor 47 was one for the books. The season brought us iconic faces and new blindsides that will for sure sway the characters who can make it into Survivor 50.

The season started out with the blindside vote against Pod Save America host Jon Lovett, who got eliminated first from the island. The island dwindled with more monumental blindsides like Andy’s devious Operation Italy which led to Rachel pulling out her immunity idol at the last possible moment (and her historic run with four immunity challenge wins!!).

Related: Everyone Who Was Voted Off on Survivor 47 in Order

Among those in the final four include Teeney Chicichillo, Rachel Lamon, Sue Smey, and Sam Phalen. The competition between the four was fierce and the jury members were convinced that this Survivor lived up to the name of Sole Survivor and deserved the $1 million prize.

Who won Survivor 47?

RACHEL LAMONT from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network.

Rachel Lamont won Survivor 47. After the merge, there’s definitely no argument that this contestant had one of the best runs in the new era. Winning immunity four times, having a block a vote, and a hidden immunity idol, she is 47’s GOAT. She won the last immunity challenge and brought Sue to the final 3. She pitted Sam and Teeny in the fire-making challenge, and in a surprise turn of events of lack of training, Sam won the challenge.

At the final tribal council, the jury grilled Sam and Rachel about their strategies and how they played against their final tribe members. Though emotions overflowed, Rachel explained things that blew her own mind and how she overcame her rock bottom when she knew that she couldn’t rely on anyone else. She cited her loyalties to people whenever she was betrayed, and she persisted above them all.

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